Family Mealtimes Common Questions
If you are not yet a Family Mealtimes subscriber, this page showcases the kinds of topics that are covered in our member program. Join Family Mealtimes to access the member-only content.
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Common Questions Fussy eating
Starting points: Essentials module 1 gives you tips and tricks for supporting your children to build confidence with foods. Module 3 explains how sticking to your roles and trusting your child to fulfil theirs helps them learn to like all kinds of foods over time. The recipe collection is full of family friendly recipes, with tips on how to be considerate of your child's preferences without catering to them.
Non-diet parenting A better relationship with food and bodies
Starting points: All four Essentials Modules lay the groundwork for helping your child to have good relationships with food and their body. See below for specific topics.
Food What to feed the family
Starting points: Essentials Module 2 gives an overview of what to feed your family, including tips to help them feel calm and in control around all kinds of foods. There is also an entire section of the website dedicated to food, including information on nutrition and meal planning, lunchboxes, food storage plus our guides on how to choose what to put in your trolley.
There are also a heap of resources for cooking for your family including a massive recipe collection, a gallery of veggie sides, and lunch and dinner inspiration via the weekly menu. Read on for the more specific questions that come up about foods and drinks.
Member perks Making the most of your membership
Starting points: The start here page is your quick start guide to the different parts of the membership, and the Essentials Modules step you through the Family Mealtimes Strategy which underpins everything we do. For more, reach out to your member community via the private Facebook group.
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$130 per year
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$65 per quarter
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$29 per month
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*Changes come into effect at the end of each billing cycle.